Fisherbrand accumet™ Messgeräte für elektrochemische Messungen
Diese Messgeräte stellen den neuesten Stand der Technik für die Messung von pH, mV (ORP), Ionenkonzentration, Leitfähigkeit, Gesamtgehalt an gelösten Feststoffen (TDS), gelöstem Sauerstoff und Temperatur dar. Die Fisherbrand accumet™ Reihe bietet hochwertige, anwenderfreundliche und kostengünstige Messgeräte für jede Anwendung und jedes Budget mit 3 Jahren Garantie (Taschenmessgeräte: 2 Jahren Garantie).
Fisherbrand accumet™ AET Pocket Testers

pH or conductivity measurement has never been easier with the accumet™ AET pocket testers. Accurate, handy and user-friendly, these are the best pocket testers in their class.
- Ideal for simple testing
- Dual LCD display for enhanced readability
- Temperature compensation
- Waterproof, anti-roll design
Fisherbrand accumet™ AE150 Benchtop pHmeter

The accumet™ AE150 pH meter offers you the greatest value-for-money for basic pH or measurement in the lab.
- Ideal for simple pH measurement
- Fixed segment display
- Supplied with a built-in electrode arm
- Available in three kit configurations
Fisherbrand accumet™ AE Portable Meters

The accumet™ AE6 meters offer you the greatest value-for-money for basic pH or conductivity measurement needs, both in the lab and in the field.
- Single parameter
- Multi-point calibration
- Protective rubber boot
- Available in two kit configurations
Fisherbrand accumet™ AB Series Benchtop Meters

Intuitive, simple operation and high accuracy in a compact, affordable meter
- Simple operation with high accuracy
- Single and dual parameter
- Informative display with backlight
- Up to five calibration points
Fisherbrand accumet™ XL Series Benchtop Meters

Advanced meter - Simple yet powerful, with a large full-colour touch screen for easy operation
- Single, dual and multi-parameter
- Touchscreen colour, graphical display
- Up to six calibration points
- Extensive data logging and transfer options
Fisherbrand accumet™ AP Portable Meters

The accumet™ AP series of waterproof, portable meters provides accurate measurements anytime, anywhere.
- Large LCD with backlighting allows for easy viewing
- Plain language text and prompts making it easy to use
- Durable waterproof IP67 housing
- pH resolution and date/time to meet GLP (AP115, AP125)